Bingo 75 Ball

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Multi Color Coated Bingo Balls Item #: NB7112 - Balls #1-75, The ball is made with the number outlined in the standard 5 colors blue, red, white, green, and yellow. This top of the line Bingo ball (1-75) features all the numbers printed on the ball. The funkiest bingo site in the uk! 90 and 75 ball bingo games and slots. Play free bingo Big jackpots and great prizes! Bingo news and articles.

  1. 75 Ball Bingo Cards
  2. Bingo 75 Caller Online
  3. Bingo 75 At Home
  4. Bingo 75 App

How to Play 75 Ball Bingo

75 ball bingo is the most popular type of bingo played in the USA, which is why at many sites you'll find it in rooms called 'Stars & Stripes' or 'Route 66' etc.

Unlike it's 90 ball cousin, the cards used in 75 ball games allow for a lot more variation in gameplay, each with slightly different ways to win. Each game can be played in any variety of styles, such as:

  • Coverall / Blackout
  • Any line of 5
  • High 5
  • Patterns
  • Letters

Because it is online bingo, you don't have to worry about knowing how they all work, as cards are auto-marked and claim bingo for you, but if you wish to know more just scroll down and read more.


In 75 ball bingo, the game is played with single tickets made up of a square 5x5 grid with numbers from 1-75 inside each square. The middle square is called the 'free space' and does not include any numbers as this is already 'dabbed' before the game begins.

If you are manually dabbing the tickets yourself, it is useful to know that each column will display a specific set of 15 numbers. Column 1 shows numbers 1-15, column 2 shows 16-30, column 3 shows 31-45 and so on.

Coverall / Blackout Games

Perhaps the simplest form of 75 ball bingo is the coverall game, sometimes called 'blackout'. It is the equivalent of a full house in 90 ball, in that to win you must be the first player to dab every number on one of your tickets to win.

Because of this, coverall games are often very long games so if you enjoy chatting these are good ones to play as you'll have lots of time to talk to other players before you get anywhere close to winning bingo!

Any Line Of 5 Games

As the name suggests, the way to win in this variation of 75 ball bingo is to be the first player to get a line of 5 numbers on your ticket. However, unlike in 90 ball where you have a horizontal line across, here you can win with a straight line in any direction, including horizonatally, vertically and diagonally.

Also, because the free space in the middle of the card is already dabbed each game, you technically only need 4 numbers to win if your line goes through this central square. So these games can be very quick indeed, especially compared to coverall.

High 5 Games

In this variation, there are a total of 5 prizes to win on each game. Players first player for one line (in any direction), then two lines, then three lines, then four, then finally five (coverall).

Some versions of this may restrict it so only horizontal lines count, some allow any direction to be played. It's not the most common version but it out there.

Pattern Games

Patterns 75 ball bingo is perhaps the most popular form of 75 ball that you'll encounter. Instead of playing for a line of 5 or coverall, here there will be a specific pattern or shape on the ticket that you need to dab in order to win.

In the example below from tombola I am playing first for a tree pattern. The ticket shows in yellow the numbers I need to get in order to win. If I get any numbers that aren't part of the pattern, it will still dab them but it won't count towards the game.

Players enjoy the pattern style games because they change designs after each game, and there are hundreds of possible patterns and variations to play.

Letters Games

To be fair, these are just the same as pattern games, only the patterns make the shape of specific letters. They play in exactly the same way as a patterns game.

How To Win At 75 Ball Bingo

As you should know, there is no way to guarantee a win or really increase your chances other than buying as many tickets as you can. However, that isn't always a cost-effective plan!

75 Ball Bingo Cards

My advice is to play in quieter rooms or fair-and-square games, where you know all the players are allowed the same small number of tickets. Bingo75 at tombola is a good example of this, but only go there if you enjoy the pattern style of games. I don't think they do any of the other variations.

75 Ball Bingo Variants

Because 75 ball is so varied in itself, there aren't a huge amount of games where another unique twist has been added on to make it special. However, the one that stands out in my mind is Deal or No Deal Bingo 75.

It's one of my favourites I definitely recommend you try it out. It's available at all the Playtech bingo sites.

Bingo Caller 75 is a great home bingo game for fun sessions with family and friends. With physical bingo games, when you want to play you find that half the pieces are missing. Bingo Caller 75 is always right there, ready for an exciting game. So how does it work?

The first thing you’ll see is a smart bingo board with the word “BINGO” down the left hand side. There are five rows of numbers – 1-15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60 and 61-75.

Let’s go!

Click the “Start Game” button and the Current Call box lights up with a coloured ball and inside the ball, a letter and number. The letter / number combination is a great idea because it makes it much easier to find the number on the card. For example, if the number is N36 it means you go to the “N” of “BINGO” on the left hand side. 36 will be in that row. This is much quicker than having to search the whole card.


You’re in control of the play

You have control over how fast or slow the gameplay is because you have a Pause button that will freeze the play on the current ball. (There’s a handy reminder in the “Current Call” box, of how many balls you’ve called so far). With Pause on, you can be as creative as you like in entertaining friends and family with your special calls for each ball. When you’re ready, just click “Next Ball” to continue.

As the caller, you can see all the numbers that have already been called, highlighted on the card in front of you. And you can reset the board after someone wins, simply by clicking the “Reset Board” button.

Timing is everything!


The timer slider is a great feature that allows you to set how quickly the next ball comes up. Move it to the right for faster play – perhaps a group of adults who have played before. Or move to the left for slower play, to allow younger players time to find the numbers. When you click on the slider button, a small balloon appears that tells you the seconds before the next ball appears. The shortest interval is 5 seconds, the longest 16 seconds. If you move the slider as far leftwards as far as it will go, the timer is turned off, and you are effectively in manual mode.

Of course you can also use the Pause button and the “Next Ball” button to control the game manually.

Players’ cards

You can print your own bingo cards. As you call, the players, fill in their cards. The first person to get all their numbers, traditionally shouts “House” but you may have your own, better versions!

For children, there are special simple bingo cards with just twenty numbers. These are great for children’s parties or rainy days at home. Of course, you’re going to want to add small prizes for the winner – just make sure it’s something the winner can share with the other children!

The game is actually a good educational tool for children who are beginning to recognise numbers, as they get to practise their new skill in a fun environment.

Bingo 75 Caller Online

Simple to learn and use

Bingo 75 At Home

The great thing about Bingo Caller 75, is that the makers have avoided the temptation to put too many features on it. Instead, they have a clear and simple screen which will have you up and calling your first game in seconds. In fact, the children can take turns as callers!

So that’s it – a great game, quick to learn, fun to play, with a few easy to use controls that put you in charge of the gameplay – an all round winner.

Bingo 75 App

Play bingo at home


Online bingo’s